Monday, September 17, 2012

so much sickness.........

The last few weeks have been horrible.....Let the story begin around December of 2009. In December of 2009 we had a Christmas program at our church. Earlier that day we had pizza from pizza hut. The time I got to church I was extremely sick nauseated and felt like I was having a heart attack:( I just assumed it was a bad case of indigestion. Almost a year later, I had Taco Bell and the same thing happened, but I was pregnant this time. Then through out my pregnancy this kept happening and finally my midwife ordered an ultrasound and I found out I had gall stones. It happened several times after Lydia was born and through out my pregnancy with Leah, in fact it is what jump started my labor:) I really wanted to hang on to my gall bladder, but the last 2 weeks in August I had 3 attacks and on the 3rd attack I went to the ER. It stopped by the time I was seen but they did an ultrasound and compared it to the one I had over a year ago and decided to keep me over night and take the gallbladder out. I ended up having surgery on August 28th and had to stay a total of 2 nights in the hospital. It was no fun and I hated being away from my babies. I had all kinds of issues with Leah nursing and she was "mad" at me for a couple of days, but we worked through that. Then Lydia started getting sick a week ago and her temperature spiked to 103.7, and that terrified me. Friday Leah started getting sick. So today Lydia had a well check and the dr went ahead and saw both of them. Lydia has an ear infection and my sweet Leah has RSV. I hate my babies being sick so please keep them in your prayers:)
My sweet girls:)


Nicky Abram said...

Hello Delilah, I just found your blog and I wanted to say hi. I hope you are all better and I keep you in my prayers. God bless you all.

1HappyWife said...

Must get to school but wanted to say "hi" and see how your sweet littles are feeling.
How are you feeling without your gall bladder?
Have a blessed day, joyfully serving where the Lord has planted you:).


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