Monday, February 25, 2008

Making Your Home a Haven Monday: Pick a Drawer!

Today Crystal has asked us to clean out a drawer or dresser. It is ironic because I have been cleaning out my kitchen cabinets(making room for my new pots and pans).this weekend and all I have left to do are these 3 drawers. She says "Today's project is to clean out and organize a drawer or dresser. Set a goal, set the timer, and get busy!"
The first drawer isn't that bad, I just need to organize it. The second drawer is awful, I have way too many utensils. The third drawer just needs to be organized. I will update later.


Well I am finally finished. I have been busy all day decluttering. Honestly I have way too much stuff, and my house is in chaos with too much stuff. My goal is to get rid of 75% of everything. I know that may seem extreme, but if you could just see all the stuff I had you would agree. I hope everyone has a blessed day making your home a haven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done!! You got lots done too! :)

I want to go through and declutter here too. I just never know what to get rid!


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